EP. 2: Titan Straps vs. Gasoline

Episode #2 of the Titan Straps Testing Series is here and in this episode, we're cranking it up a notch.
To keep our test as consistent as possible we are putting the red 25" Industrial Strap back in the testing machine. This time it's been soaked in pure gasoline for over a week.
In episode #1 we placed the strap in a looped configuration within the testing machine where it was stretched to its maximum force. From this test, we got our baseline of 78.4% stretch and 398lb of peak tensile strength before the strap broke.
Watch Episode #2 now to see the results!
Straps featured in this episode:
INDUSTRIAL STRAP - 25": $10.49

The 25" Industrial Strap excels in sunny climates and frigid temperatures. This strap features a buckle that was designed to allow the strap to be threaded through the slot 2x, which doubles the strap's strength. Making it ideal for securing ladders to trucks, bundling large cables, cords, and more.
Use code GASSTRAPS for 20% off all 25" Industrial Straps.
Up next on the Titan Straps Testing Series:
Watch Cameron and Finn the lab assistant experiment with different substances, situations and scenarios! How will Titan Straps perform after being soaked in oil for a week? Can the straps withstand extreme heat exposure? What would happen to the tensile strength of a Titan Strap after it drags a tire from the back of a truck on a gravel road?
All that in more in the next episodes of the Titan Straps testing series.